About This Website

Hi! Welcome to the website of the E-Bike Cyclist.scot and to the joy of e-bike cycling and cycle touring.

The purpose of this site is to share my experiences of buying, owning and riding on an electrically assisted bike. By sharing my experiences I hope to encourage people of all ages and abilities to take up e-bike cycling. I also hope that they discover the joy and benefits of cycling on an e-bike.

I would also like to share my experiences of e-bikes and cycle touring with other cycle tourists. It would be good also  to demonstrate that you can continue cycle touring into your later years.

It should be emphasised that I am no cycling expert or e-bike expert. I am just an ordinary guy who likes cycling and cycle touring. I turned to e-bike cycling when my lungs and my legs let me know that I needed some assistance. The information in this website therefore is in no way an in-depth specialist analysis or review of e-bikes or cycling products. Rather it is based solely on recounting my personal experiences and thoughts on e-bike cycling. I have also detailed many of the cycle routes and some tours that I have done over the years.

I hope that this will be of use or interest to anyone considering taking up e-bike cycling. Or, indeed, to anyone who is currently an e-bike cyclist.

The website consists of three main sections – one for e-bike beginners, one for cycle touring and one detailing some of the cycle routes I’ve done over the years. Click on the appropriate link below to go to the section that interests you.



This section includes an introduction to e-bikes with some frequently asked questions. It also explains the procedures I went through to buy my e-bike and has a detailed analysis of the anatomy of my e-bike.

Click here to go to this section.

 In this section I have included a brief discussion on what cycle touring is, the different luggage set-ups on touring bikes and the options for overnight stays. There are also a couple of links to two really good websites that have comprehensive detailed information on cycle touring.

Click here to go to this section.

E-Bike Cyclist.scot - E-Bikes for Beginners
E-Bike Cyclist.scot - Cycle Tourists

Cycle Routes in Scotland

I have included in this section route details for some of the day trip cycle routes I have cycled over the years. These vary from leisurely trips on canal cycle paths, to trips on quiet country roads, to some challenging trips with steep hill climbs.

Click here to go to this section.

E-Bike Cyclist.scot - West Loch Lomond Cycle Path