Cycling/Camping Cairngorms/Grampians : Braemar – Pitlochry

Cycling/Camping Cairngorms/Grampians : Braemar – Pitlochry was the fifth day of a five day cycling trip around the Cairngorm and Grampian mountains. 

(For details of the other days on the trip click on the following : Day 1 Pitlochry – Newtonmore; Day 2 Newtonmore – Cairngorm Mountain; Day 3 Cairngorm Mountain – Tomintoul; Day 4 Tomintoul – Braemar.)

The trip took place between Mon. 4 Sep. 2023 and Fri. 13 Sep. 2023.

I cycled this route on Fri. 8 Sep. 2023.

In all my previous cycling tours in Scotland, prior to the camping tour I did in Skye in June 2023, I had used hotels and B & B’s as a place to stay at night time. 

However, I enjoyed the camping tour in Skye so I decided to continue with the camping for this tour.

Therefore I had planned the route to cycle from campsite to campsite around the Cairngorm and Grampian mountains.

Cycling/Camping Cairngorms/Grampians : Braemar - Pitlochry

- Route Map

Cycling/Camping Cairngorms/Grampians : Braemar - Pitlochry

- My Timings & Distances

Up at 6.20 / Left campsite 8.30 / Cycled back to Braemar village for sandwiches & juice / Left Braemar 8.45 / Rested 9.40 – 10.00 (8.17) / Glenshee Ski Centre 10.20 – 10.25 (9.87)  / Lunch 11.35 – 12.05 / Kirkmichael 12.40 (27.98) / Rested at top of Moulin Moor 1/05 – 1.15 / Back at car 2.20 (40.40) / Packed bike & bags in car, etc. to 2.50 / Left Pitlochry 3.00 / Home 5.25.

Cycling/Camping Cairngorms/Grampians : Braemar - Pitlochry

- Log

Again I had set my alarm for 6.30 a.m. and again I got up earlier, this time at 6.20 a.m. I did this as I knew I had a 40 ml. cycle today and I didn’t know how hilly it would be. Also, I had the 2 hour drive back to Glasgow at the end of the cycle.

After breakfast, etc. I dismantled the tent and packed my panniers and put them on the bike. I then cycled back into Braemar village and went to the Co-op and bought sandwiches and juice for lunch. It didn’t look from the map that there were any large villages where there wou;ld be a cafe.

I left Braemar and proceeded to climb the 9 miles up to the Glenshee Ski Centre. 

Braemar - Glenshee Ski Centre

I stopped 1.5 miles before the ski centre to convert to shorts and to put on suncream, as it was another warm, sunny day.

The remaining climb up to the ski centre was long and steep. It wasn’t extreme, though, so I managed it okay with the help of the electric motor.

Part way up the climb there was a sign indicating that part of this route was designated by Visit Aberdeen as an Aberdeenshire Ascent. The Visit Aberdeen website ( states that Aberdeen Ascents “brings together 10 of the region’s most challenging and rewarding routes”.

As I got near to the ski centre there fine views of the ski lifts going up from the centre to the top of Cairnwell Mountain in the background.

The Cairnwell chairlift takes skiers to the top during the winter season. It also remains open to cater for tourists during the summer season. 

Finally I arrived at the visitors centre where there is a cafe and toilets. I only stopped here for five minutes as it was still early in the day and I had only cycled about 10 miles.

Glenshee Ski Centre - Kirkmichael

After leaving the ski centre there was of course a very welcome steep descent.

Along the way the route passes from Aberdeenshire into Perth & Kinross.

After the descent from the ski centre the road continued to undulate in a slightly downward direction. The route was through wonderful mountain scenery on both sides of the road. I continued along in the lovely warm sunshine whilst admiring the views.

Then, after about 20 miles of cycling, I started to look for a good spot to stop to eat the sandwiches I had bought in Braemar. I eventually saw a gate to a field lying open so I stopped there.

I lay back on the grass against the gate post and ate my sandwiches and drank my juice. The sun was scorching and there were fine views up and down the glen and across to the surrounding hills.

After lunch I continued cycling along the A93 until I reached the junction with the B950. Here I turned right onto the B950. At first this road turned out to be quite flat in stretches then there were some not too steep hills.

I then came to another junction, where I turned right onto the A924 that leads to the village of Kirkmichael.

Kirkmichael - Pitlochry

After cycling through the village of Kirkmichael the road then started to rise for quite a long distance.

Eventually I reached the top of the climb. I stopped for a rest at the woods on the right hand side of the road. I walked about a bit to give myself a rest from sitting on the saddle.

As I walked about I noticed a sign on the other side of the road. I walked over to have a look at it. It stated “Moulin Moor 379m”. This was why there had been a long but not too steep climb up to this point.

Of course from here there was a welcome long descent that lasted nearly all the way down to Pitlochry.

The road I was descending on was the A924. It was at the end of the A924 just above the main street in Pitlochry that I had parked my car. This descent, therefore, led me right back to where I had parked my car.


When I arrived back at the car in Pitlochry I removed my bags from the bike. I then loaded the bags and the bike in the car.

On the first day of this tour, before I had parked the car, I had visited the local police office to inform them of my intention to leave the car parked on the street for five days. I gave them a note of my mobile phone number and my car registration number, in case there were any issues with the car when I was away.

I therefore went back to the police office today to let them know that I was back and that I was leaving Pitlochry today.

Drive from Pitlochry to Glasgow

The drive back to Glasgow took ages due to at least three sets of roadworks. Also, it was getting near to peak time by the time I reached Perth, and the bypass was very congested.

As a result it took 2 hrs. 25 mins. to get back, compared to 1 hr. 35 mins. on the outward journey. There were no roadworks on the outward journey, though, and as I left at 9.00 a.m. I missed the peak hour traffic.

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