Cycle Routes in Scotland : Killearn to Aberfoyle (NCN 7) – ROUTE DETAILS

The following is a brief summary of the key details for Cycle Routes in Scotland : Killearn to Aberfoyle (NCN 7).


DISTANCE : 28 mls.


TOTAL ASCENT : 2,628 ft.

START & FINISH : Station Road, Killearn or car park in Killearn.

This route is one of the cycle routes in Scotland that I have cycled over the years. Some of the other routes I have cycled over the years are listed in the page “Cycle Routes in Scotland”. (Click here to go to this page.)

Route Map

The map above is an interactive map so if you press “Play” (click on the white triangle in the middle of the screen) you can zoom in or out by pressing the buttons that appear in the top left of the screen, and you can move the map by dragging it. Once you press Play the hills profile of the route will appear at the bottom of the map. You can get further comprehensive detailed analysis of the hill profile by clicking on “More Detailed Profile” at the top left of the hills profile section. You can also select full screen mode by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the map.

Route Details -

Cycle Routes in Scotland : Killearn to Aberfoyle (NCN 7)

Start Point

The start point for this route is in the picturesque village of Killearn. Killearn is a small village of approximately 1700 people in the Stirling council area of Scotland.

There is a small car park in front of the health centre in Killearn. This can be quite busy at times but there are usually some places available.

If the car park is busy, or if you want to avoid denying a space to a local resident, there is some on street parking in Station Road, which is adjacent to the car park.

Killearn - Gartness

To start the route cycle down Station Road and then turn right into Gartness Road.

From the start of Gartness Road there is a long downhill stretch. Then there are a couple of small climbs before a final descent into the small hamlet of Gartness.

Gartness hamlet

Gartness - Drymen

There is quite a short, sharp,  climb coming out of Gartness that is quite steep. Fortunately this is followed by a steep descent.

Part way down this descent is where the route joins the NCN 7. On the left hand side of the road there is a cut off onto the NCN 7 cycle path in the other direction. This leads to Croftamie, Balloch and Dumbarton.

NCN 7 sign to Dumbarton near Gartness

Across the road there is another NCN 7 sign indicating straight ahead to Drymen.

NCN 7 sign near Gartness

After this descent there is a long, steep hill to climb. The road then gradually descends until it reaches the busy A811 road. Here you need to carefully cross the road to get to the path on the other side. This path is formed by long wide steps so you have to walk your bike up it.

Path to Drymen from A811

It is possible to stay on the bike and avoid this path. You can turn left onto the busy A811 and then turn right onto the B858 Main Street. This takes you into the centre of Drymen. You can also get to the centre of Drymen by turning right onto the A811. You then turn left onto the Old Military Road / Stirling Road.

After pushing your bike up the path to the road at the top you then cycle down the road into the centre of Drymen.

In Drymen there are benches at the village green where you can stop for a rest.

Drymen village green

Drymen - Gartmore

The road out of Drymen is a series of quite long climbs. It then drops down via a long series of descents to the village of Gartmore.

Village of Gartmore - Cycling from Killearn to Aberfoyle on 5 Dec 21

When reaching Gartmore there is a sign on the outskirts of the village welcoming cyclists.

Cycle along into Gartmore and then turn sharp left into the Main Street, which is a long, steep hill.

Part way up the hill, on the right hand side next to the Black Bull Inn, there is a community bike shed and repair facility. It has a stand that a bike can be supported on. It also has tools such as spanners, screwdrivers, pliers, etc. that are attached to the stand by wires. There is also a free air machine.

Gartmore - Aberfoyle

After leaving Gartmore the route continues on the road through various forests. There are a couple of car parks at the forests along the way that are used by families and walking groups who walk on the trails through the forests.

The NCN 7 cycle route continues to be sign posted through this section of the route.

After coming out of the forests there is a fine view of Ben Lomond in the distance, which can be covered in snow in the winter.

Ben Lomond - Cycling from Killearn to Aberfoyle (NCN 7) on 5 Dec 21

The route continues on the road until the outskirts of Aberfoyle. 


Here it cuts off to an off-road cycle track all the way into the centre of Aberfoyle.

Continue on the cycle track until it ends in the car park behind the Main Street in Aberfoyle.

Aberfoyle Main Street

Refreshments are available in the Main Street, but if you just wish to sit outdoors there are picnic benches in the car park.

Return to Killearn

Return to Killearn by the outward route.

Route Alternatives -

Cycle Routes in Scotland : Killearn to Aberfoyle (NCN 7)

This being a linear route it could be cycled in reverse by starting at Aberfoyle and cycling to Killearn. There is a large free car park just off the Main Street in Aberfoyle.

Alternatively, the route could be shortened by starting and returning to one of the villages on the route, such as Drymen or Gartmore.

Cafe / Toilet Stops -

Cycle Routes in Scotland : Killearn to Aberfoyle (NCN 7)


At the start point in the village of Killearn there is a coffee shop on the Main Street, a cafe/restaurant called the Kitchen Window in Killearn village hall and a bar/restaurant called the Old Mill Inn on the Main Street.

In Killearn there are old public toilets at the back of the car park in Main Street.


In Drymen eating places around the village green are the Drymen Inn, the Drymen bakery & deli, the Clachan bar (estd. 1734) and the Winnock Hotel which runs along the back of the village green.

Along the Main Street from the village green there is also the Skoosh coffee shop and the Buchanan Arms Hotel.

The toilets in the Winnock Hotel can be used by the public.


In Gartmore food and refreshments are available in the Black Bull Inn. There is also the community owned General Shop, which is a general store, licensed grocer and post office..


Along the Main Street in Aberfoyle there are several cafes, bars and restaurants.

There are public toilets at the Information Centre in Aberfoyle Main Street..

Train Options -

Cycle Routes in Scotland : Killearn to Aberfoyle (NCN 7)

Unfortunately there is no train station in Aberfoyle. The nearest train stations to Aberfoyle are Dunblane, Ardlui and Balloch. These are all 15 – 16 miles away by road.

If you want to avoid cycling on road from a train station to Aberfoyle the best option would be to go to Balloch train station. From Balloch you can pick up the NCN 7 cycle path all the way to Aberfoyle. However, this would add a round trip of about 38 miles, thus resulting in a total route distance of about 66 miles. This may be too much for some people, although it could be spread over two days.

If you want to access the start of the route by train your options to do so will of course depend on where you live and what train lines are nearby and where they run to, which each person will need to investigate for themselves. For a website that can help with this click on the following website address : 

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