Cycling on the Isle of Skye : Getting There

Driving from Glasgow - Skye

Cycling on the Isle of Skye ; Getting There was the first day of a five day trip to the Isle of Skye. The trip was from 19 April 2023 to 23 April 2023. The first and fifth days were driving days, leaving the middle three days for cycling.

DRIVE TIMES  for Cycling on the Isle of Skye : Getting There – Left Glasgow at 9.45 /  Crianlarach 10.55 / Glencoe ski area 11.20 / Fort William 12.05 – 1.45 / Kyle of Lochalsh 3.40 / Broadford on the Isle of Skye 3.45.

It was a beautiful sunny day with a clear blue sky and hardly a cloud to be seen, although there was a bit of a cold wind.

The views on the drive up on such a beautiful day were magnificent with fantastic scenery to be seen all around.

For example, driving alongside Loch Lomond was fantastic. The water on the loch was still and Ben Lomond was silhouetted against the clear blue sky. Wonderful! At the Glencoe ski area there were tremendous views of the imposing, forbidding mountains on either side of the glen. Driving through Glencoe village and then up the road to Fort William that ran alongside the loch was wonderful.

Surprisingly there wasn’t a lot of traffic on the road for large parts of the drive up. Certainly on several occasions there was slow moving vehicles that held things up but they didn’t last for long.

Consequently I was able to drive at the speed limit of 60 mph for large sections of the drive. Sometimes I got up to 70 or 80 mph bur only for short distances. As a result the driving time for Cycling to the Isle of Skye ; Getting There was 4 hrs. 40 mins. This was excluding the 1 hr. 40 mins I spent in Fort William

Cycling to the Isle of Skye : Getting There -Fort William

I stopped in Fort William for lunch and to walk about a bit in order to break up the journey. After lunch I sat on a bench at the village square enjoying the nice sunshine.

Cycling to the Isle of Skye : Getting There - Fort William - Kyle of Lochalsh

After Fort William the road continued through wonderful scenery to Glengarry. Here you turn left onto the road to Kyle of Lochalsh. On this road  there were several times the road ran alongside a loch with hills rising from the shores of the loch. This provided wonderful views across the lochs.

Once the road reached the outskirts of Kyle of Lochalsh there were fine views of the Skye Bridge.

Cycling to the Isle of Skye : Getting There - Kyle of Lochalsh - Broadford, Isle of Skye

From Kyle of Lochalsh it was only a short drive of 9 miles over the Skye Bridge to Broadford. I was staying for heretwo nights.

After checking in to the hotel I went for a walk along the Main Street. I then bought tea and a cake and sat on a bench soaking up the sunshine.

I then went for a walk over a wooden bridge and followed a path along to a jetty. During this walk there were fine views across Broadford Bay.

The views of the bay and the wooden bridge that I had crossed could also be seen from the panoramic windows in the hotel’s restaurant.

What a wonderful day this turned out to be, with breath taking scenery on a beautiful sunny day.

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